Glionna Mansell Corporation Presenting the world's finest Classical, Digital and Digital-Pipe Organs

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The Greatest Challenges

Market Potential
Christian Market

A diminishing "farm club" in our school systems and universities pose a serious problem for continuing a way of life and maintaining an awareness of the instrument, particularly with some post secondary music schools closing their organ departments. When the pendulum does swing back, it is entirely possible that we could be dealing with too few skilled resources in which to draw upon. Churches, including major cathedral churches have already mothballed instruments for lack of skilled musicians, lack of interest, or change in music direction. Under these conditions, it will become a challenge to keep traditional values alive in church music. The result is a noticeable lack of role models and accessibility to good instruments. There is however, an opportunity too. With some effort, new energy can be brought into the equation and young music students can gain a new perspective for the organ and its repertoire.

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