Glionna Mansell Corporation Presenting the world's finest Classical, Digital and Digital-Pipe Organs

Service is one of the hallmarks of Allen’s worldwide reputation. It stems from a dedication to ensure that every customer has a reliable after-sale experience, no matter whether it is one-week after installation or 40 years later. Quality is built into every organ. Just open the back of an Allen and you will see sturdy construction, sheilded wiring, caged expression pedals to prevent rodents from entering the inside of the console and nesting there. The circuit boards are all easily accessible and if one should fail, removal and replacement with new parts is an easy operation. In ten years or more, after the warranty expires, parts will be available. It is a guarantee and this confidence is the security in owning an Allen organ.
Allen’s Pledge. ..
Parts Available For The Long Haul.
Maintaining a ready supply of replacement parts for every organ produced by Allen Organ is no short order. Considering how many different models the company has produced in its 70+ year history, it’s no surprise that the company has a multi-million dollar investment in replacement parts. Steve Markowitz, Allen president explains: "When we tell churches and other institutions that we will provide complete service for long term, we really mean it. Maintaining complete product records and parts inventory for organs that are out of production requires a big commitment in people and money, but it is one of the reasons why people around the world have so much confidence investing in an Allen organ." Allen’s commitment to product service is also appreciated by dealers across the country. "In this day of the ’throw-away mentality’ where companies don’t support products after a few years, it’s refreshing to see a company like Allen offer such broad service support," remarked Bill McCormick, president of Jordan Kitt’s, a leading Allen Organ retailer. All Allen replacement parts are housed in a series of walk-in fire- proof safes at the company’s Macungie, Pennsylvania factory.
Glionna Mansell Corporation assures you that should you require service for your Allen organ, we will be there to provide it and to correct whatever requires attention.